Saturday 9 February 2008

Hello Chris

For the sake of Chris.... here are the galleries I said I removed from this site, I actually realised when I got home that there is infact nothing on here art-wise!

There's also a few other things here:

Between those, and the DeviantArt link I gave you, that's pretty much everything I have online.

Thursday 7 February 2008

Odds and Sods

Well, I've certainly been slack here lately haven't I? Not entirely sure why, a few things have been happening, I guess I've just caught the lazy bug.

I had a late birthday 'party' on the 25th when we went down to Birmingham for our monthly visit to Scruffys, and got merrily drunk in the process. This was down to the sneaky bastards buying me triple's instead of double's, though. I also got a few excellent goodies - Bubba Hotep and S-Mart Ash models (anything Bruce Campbell goes down well with me), a John Cena WWE Spinner belt (mainly because I joked that I was going to buy it for Scott last year as we all hate John Cena AND his shitty little belt) and some other assorted kindness, too. And to cap it all off, I felt fine on the Saturday morning, no hangover or anything! Granted, Friday night was a different story, but Saturday I was fine!

I've also had some really cool stuff sent through the post from a certain Mr Mick Foley, some of which is for me, and the rest for Matt and Scott. I was alerted via one of my contacts that his wife has an ebay account and occasionally sells things on there and so I got in touch with her, bought a few things, got special dedications written on everything (Matt got a figure, a Mr Socko and some signed pictures, all with mentions of his piercings in keeping with the conversation they had when we met Foley. Scott got a signed T-Shirt from Foley's wardrobe which in true in-joke fashion reads 'Dear Scott, Ginger kinda suits ya! Mick Foley' aswell as some other stuff signed, and I got a signed copy of one of his books aswell as a rare model) and, although I paid for the majority, they were kind enough to send some free goodies along with it all. And there were even pictures of everything being signed, too. To risk sounding like I'm in an early-nineties Red Dwarf episode, "What a guy".

Work have offered a few members of staff the chance to earn an NVQ in Customer Service, and I was one of the ones who happened to be there when the offers came up. Apparently it's a 12-year course, consisting of regular visits from.... I don't know what you'd call them really, tutors I guess.... during the working day, and we do whatever it is we have to do over the next 12 months to earn the qualification. I have to admit I was kind of in two minds whether or not to take it - Customer Service isn't anything I want to be involved in career-wise, and it was a long commitment, and something that my experience in the Co-op taught me I didn't really enjoy doing much (the training, that is). But in the end I was talked into it by several people who rightly said it would look good on a CV, and so from the 19th it shall begin.

Since writing last I've now written off to both of my sponsored kids. The pack from PlanUSA came through for the second one, a 3 year old girl from Nicaragua called Jade Abigail Castillo Serrano. I have to say PlanUSA is a lot fucking better than World Vision, even if you ignore the little religious 'disagreement' between us. Vision's info pack consisted of a computer-printed picture of the girl and a brief fact list. PlanUSA's consisted of 4 photographs, a profile on the family and community, a fact sheet on the country and a few other booklets on various things. It's ace!

It's actually Jade's birthday in 5 months, and because of how long it takes for something to be sent between these countries I decided to send off a present for her already, sent off the website, a wee teddy bear. I don't know what kids in Nicaragua enjoy, but hopefully it will go down just as well as a Ginger-related insult from a famous rotund-grappler did for Scott.